Two girls smiling because they know their worth!
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Celebrating your Superpowers and the Amazing Talents of Others!

When my youngest daughter Tali was three she was the most cheerful and optimistic little human. She often said “Wow, I am good at this!” and she meant it! I was charmed by her unabashed confidence and innocent positivity. I often giggled at her boldness in her self admiration, hoping that life would not quash the natural sparkle!

We enrolled her in dance, gymnastics and music. Tali picked up most skills joyfully and still observed the world around her and her own talents with excitement. Equally enchanting was her admiration of others! It was natural to her, a gift. Not only would she say “Look at me, I am really good!” But she also pointed out many other little humans who were learning and admired their budding talents. She helped us to see with her same wonder! It was her superpower to celebrate talents, not excluding her own!

Smiling Cousins!

When this cute daughter was in 5th grade, she tried out for the elementary school musical, The Wizard of Oz, she was cast as the main role! We were all delighted. Rehearsals started immediately. About two weeks later, we got news of an exciting job offer for my husband that would take us across the country. I thought Tali would be devastated to lose out on the performance opportunity. However, she resolvedly went to school the next day to talk with the director and principal reporting that she would be moving. Immediately that day, another girl was cast in the role.

I was a little shocked at the abruptness of the change, and expected to have to console my daughter, but she came home from school bursting with excitement. “Oh mom, they cast Victoria and she is going to be so good!” I looked at her closely to see where there might be disappointment or some sort of reservation, but I saw only enthusiasm. I marveled at her positivity. How did she celebrate every human even in her seeming loss?

Truthfully, I also take great joy in cheering the talents of others, but it doesn’t occur to me so wholeheartedly in every situation as it does to my daughter! However, having a child who could find the joy in her talents and the talents of others, helped me to set down any reservation of celebrating the amazingness of others.

And you know what? It is extraordinary.

When you look around and take a minute to notice, humans are so incredibly talented. Everyone could use the applause, and it turns out, applause is inexpensive and readily available. Let’s spread that goodness around! (More about Talents Here & Here!)

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