Family Night Fundamentals Happy Home Culture Just an Idea Memory Makers Personal Development Small and Mighty Ideas

Stop, Drop, and Do Something Unexpected!!

I would love to say that I’m a planner. In my head I make plans all the time. I can plan for things a long way in advance as well, but mostly, I am flying by the seat of my pants. I can plan vacations and trips just fine, but some of our best days have been days that we’ve planned on just 5 minutes before the activities have occurred!

Don’t get me wrong, I realize that some activities take more planning than others–especially when 6 kids are involved! However, there have been days where I have cut short the original plans we had to clean the house or go to the park and we’ve decided to go get slurpees instead, or go heart attack a friend’s house, or head to the swimming pool. We have several fun things we like to do regularly, but when you feel like you’re in a rut, ask one of your kids what they wish you were doing instead and do your best to do it, or some variation of it! Or fill up water balloons and hide them around the backyard and invite one of your kids outside, then….attack!!!

For the 4th of July I decided to sign up for our community 5K…the night before the race (I know, planning ahead could have gotten me a discount, but sometimes the pressure of it makes me not want to). I signed myself and my 2 oldest kids up to run. Because they are running cross country this summer I knew they’d be fine, but I haven’t been running regularly–I just decided to suck it up and make it happen.

I’m so glad I did! It was a great memory made with my kids. We’ll likely do it again in the coming years, and have therefore started a tradition! All traditions start with doing something for the first time, so do something spontaneous this next week! Take your kids out to check out the stars past bedtime, or wake up early and get donuts somewhere new! Whatever it is, a memory will be made and memories are the things summers are made of!!

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Love it!

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