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5 Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About Reading this Summer!

Today is the last day of school for us here in Colorado and that means lots of quality time with my people!!! This is an awesome thing, of course, but too much of an awesome thing is, well…too much! And while I love the change of pace of summer and love that my kids don’t have homework that they have to turn in, that does not mean that the learning stops around here. At the beginning of summer I sit down with all of my kids individually, just for a few minutes and help them set some goals that they want to accomplish by summer’s end. In this list we always include how many books they want to have read. While all of my kids love to read, some of them love it a little more than others. So, we do our best to make it accessible and enjoyable for each of us! Here are 5 ways to help get your kids reading books throughout the summer.

  1. Have your big kids read to your little kids. Put it on their chore chart. Have them choose some books with their younger sibling(s) while at the library, or just have them grab some favorites from your shelves. This is a great way to get your kids to spend time together and also practice their reading skills. It can free you up to get something else done around the house (or not 😉 ) It will also encourage your younger kids to want to read as well. Winning all around!
  2. Start reading a series aloud with them. The summer is the perfect time to start a new series with your kids! We love to gather on my bed and read a couple of chapters right after they have brushed their teeth and they are about to go to bed. A word of warning here. We have read through the Harry Potter series in this way, but I adjusted to daytime reading when I knew we’d be reading some scarier parts. Anyway, we especially love doing it in the summer as they have no school in the morning that forces us to stop. 😉 (in the next couple of weeks I will be sharing some of my very favorite read aloud chapter books for your older kids!)
  3. Pick a book that has a movie out that they want to watch! I remember reading, “The Secret Garden,” with my oldest sister when I was around 10. I’d go into her room before I left for school and read to her while she got ready. When we learned that the movie was coming out she promised me that we’d watch it together once we finished. I was so excited and had renewed energy to get through the whole book. Such a great memory for me. This is also a great way to help kids appreciate the detail of books and compare and contrast what is included in the movie and what is omitted.
  4. Playaways!! These audiobooks are great for road trips! My kids will get a bunch from the library and share them amongst themselves. These are also a great solution for kids that get car or motion sickness. This way they can close their eyes and listen instead of trying to read and feeling worse. Vox Books and Wonderbooks are just like Playaways. These picture books are geared toward younger readers so they can listen and follow along with the pictures. Headphones can be used with these books well. My kids call these “listen-to” books. We all love them as they can grab a book and listen to it if I’m busy cooking dinner or momming in other ways. Ask your local library what kind of audiobooks they have for young readers and dig in!
  5. A designated reading spot. Never underestimate the magic of a cozy reading corner with special pillows and a light, or a blanket set up as a fort on your stairs. I often find different variations of a shelter housing any number of my kids huddled around a good book.
  6. As a bonus, I will include your local public library reading program. This one is last as I think many people already include it in their summer schedules, but I’m mentioning it, in case you haven’t thought of it, or didn’t do it last year. Give it another go. It is a fantastic way to help your kids see the progress of what they are doing.

Now, I would just like to include a kind word here for graphic novels. You know what I’m talking about. Comic books. I think sometimes people don’t give them enough credit. Studies have shown that kids will read beyond their reading ability when they read it in comic book form. It could be just the thing you need to ignite your child’s love for reading.

Just sharing these ideas with you is getting me excited for summer. I love the many adventures we take as a family, both while physically on vacation and while lost in the pages of a good book!!!

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only once” -George R.R. Martin

Happy Living, Friends!!

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