Happy Home Culture Just an Idea Small and Mighty Ideas

Fish Out of Water, a 2-year-old Terror

How would you react to walking into a room where your 2-year-old was sitting playing with the wet rocks that were at the bottom of your 9-year-old’s fish tank that is now sitting empty with a limp fish laying beside it?

Apparently, I start screaming, “Get some water!!! The fish! The fish!!” While frantically searching for a cup or bowl or anything with which to retrieve life-saving water for this poor fish that is past flopping around.

I rushed down the stairs, grabbed a cup, put just a little tap water in it as I couldn’t find the conditioned water that we have for our betta. I figured that we could add it after we had at least given him the chance to breathe. Meanwhile, I hear my other children frantically running around, trying to clean up the mess and simultaneously scolding Dreyton, the 2-year-old perpetrator, who is looking on in fascination, obviously not grasping the severity of the situation.

I hurried up the stairs with my cup and found my 9-year-old rushing to the bathroom to grab the conditioned water that we had. He had placed his fish back in its small tank and I poured the little water I had on it, in anticipation of what would happen next. Bubbly (the victim in our story), responded immediately by swimming and moving all his fins happily, shaking any lasting dryness from his scales.

Crisis averted.

A life saved.

Immediately everyone started taking deep breaths, sighing with relief over not having lost this little pet, that we didn’t even realize how much we had grown accustomed to seeing, even fond of caring for.

I turn to see Dre looking on still. Face blank as I explained that Demetri’s fish almost died. Even as I spoke, I saw no understanding in his eyes. Not a glimpse of realization. Finally after trying different ways to explain that we don’t dump out the fish on the carpet, that he could have been killed, he couldn’t swim anymore, I said, “The fish isn’t happy out of the water. He wants to be in the water, he can breathe and is happy there.” His eyes widened as he said in his sweet, 2 and a half year old’s voice, “Fish likes the water. Fish is not happy out of the water. We don’t dump the fish!”

What’s the moral of the story? It’s good to have a team working together in crisis management. Also, apparently if you really want your kids to clean up without arguing, have your 2 year old (really, any age will do) dump out a small fish tank and watch as they all clean up the rocks without complaint. But really, find your water. Fish aren’t happy without water. Find yours and make sure your tank is full….and then don’t dump the fish!

The rest of the summer is looking fun, wish me luck!!

Disclaimer: Although Bubbly was out of water, he was not injured and has not seemed to incurred any lasting damage. And, rumor has it that fish don’t have a great memory. With any luck he has no lasting recollection of the trauma experienced here and will live a long and healthy life, free from further dumping experiences.

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