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5 Accessible Ways to Spend Time With Your Kids

“In family relationships, ‘love’ is really spelled ‘t-i-m-e,’ time. Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

It is not new to suggest that spending time with your family is important, but how we spend time with them can make a real impact in their lives. Spending time with them now will lay the foundation for a solid relationship that will last the rest of their lives!

I asked my kids, ages 2 to 13 what activities they would choose to do with just myself or their dad, and I’ve put together a list of the ones that were repeated the most! Please know that all the things listed here are free or cheap! This list works for boys and girls alike! So drop everything and ask your kids which of these things sound fun, put your phone away, and start making memories!!

  1. Play board games!! Now, this deserves a whole other post of its own, but we LOVE board games, card games, drawing games, whatever!! We love it all! Games for 2 people, games for 8 people we love a good reason to learn and laugh together!! Some of our family’s favorites are: No Thanks!, King of Tokyo, Cover Your Assets, and Poetry for Neanderthals. We will be sure to do a follow up post with some others. Our 4-year-old will often team up with another family member and our 2-year-old will either be in charge of “keeping score” or napping ;).
  2. Baking! It is no secret that my people love to bake, but I’m betting your people love to bake too!! Often you already have the ingredients that you need, and think about the investment! Once your kids can bake on their own, you can suggest that they make some cookies whenever you get a hankering! They will learn independence, they will learn service, and they will learn confidence as they see their efforts come together in a delicious way!! Need an easy recipe to start?? Try this one!!
  3. Camping!! Now, I love everything about camping except for the actual sleeping part. Give me beautiful scenery, a fun hike, s’mores and I am in!! A sleeping bag? On top of my mattress maybe! 😉 Think of me what you will, but I know my limitations!! My husband, however, loves it, and so do my kids. So, he will take them a couple of times in the summer and the memories are definitely some of my kids’ favorite! They fish, they hike, they play night games, they eat way too many roasted marshmallows–all without mom around to tell them to do things in moderation!! Don’t have a campsite? Try setting up a tent in your backyard! Don’t have a backyard? Try setting up a tent in your basement or living room!! Don’t have a tent? A homemade fort with blankets and pillows will do just fine. It is good for kids to see the magic in their own home too! These are thee moments that your kids will tell their kids about. The games, the food, the fun!!
  4. Tell a Story! This is one of our favorites. You know how it goes. Have everyone sit in a circle on the floor and you can choose to have each person say one word or a sentence, depending on the age of your kids and depending on how silly you want it to become. Designate one person to start and each person takes their turn. It always end up with us laughing and struggling to try to make sense of the stories we have contrived. I often use my phone to record it, and if it’s really good, I transcribe it and keep it for a book of family stories. Get creative, push people to think, and get ready to laugh!
  5. Playing with cars!! My younger 2 children, ages 2 and 4, both said “playing with cars!” I wanted to include this on the list as it is important for us to help introduce our kids to fun, new things, but even more important for us to play with them where they are. Not interested in playing cars, but interested in playing with your kids? Get some painter’s tape out and create a road on the floor for them to follow. Easy clean up and hours and fun! Do your kids not love cars? A tea party is also a good time! Got a kid that loves to color? Print some pages off, get out a coloring book. Still not convinced? Play is the “work” of childhood. Their brains are growing and learning all the time. Let us choose to take part in it as long as we can!
  6. Bike ride!! Bonus number 6! Go on a bike ride or walk with your people! I will often go on one-on-one bike rides with my kids. These look different for all age groups. I am obviously going further with my big kids than my littles. Sometimes I’ll just put on my running clothes and run while a younger kid tries to race me on their bike!! It is a delight to get moving with your kids! A great way to encourage exercise and always a mood enhancer!! Don’t have a bike? Walk or run with them. Don’t enjoy those? Strap on some roller skates and make sure there is plenty of grassy places to fall if it’s been awhile!! 😉

One last note. When I asked my 4 year old what he’d like to do if he had the chance to hang out with just Mommy or just Daddy he said, “Go on an ADVENTURE!!!” And that, my friends, sums up childhood. Whether they are 2, 15, or 38, every kid likes an adventure! Find one in the pages of a book together or find one in the trees outside. Your adventure is waiting, so get on your way!!!

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