Summer Time Fun!
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3 Ways to Make This Summer Amazing!

Wow! It’s summer! Hooray! We love summer around here!

I am a teacher, and I look forward to the different pace and chance to play with my people that summer beautifully brings. However, I also need/want to get a lot done. Let me share with you 3 simple ways to create a summer full of fun and productivity!

  1. Make a Plan for Fun: The first step of any journey comes with a plan! “Where there is no vision the people perish.” That is an ancient quote from Proverbs, and will be forever applicable. Make a plan for your vacation time! Plan trips, but not only big things, but little things also: Day trips, summer movie nights, game nights, swimming with cousins, cooking classes and etc. You can absolutely sit down this weekend with your favorite people and make a plan! Include birthdays and whatever special events in your plan! You will be surprised what 12-15 minutes of brain storming fun can produce. Make sure to write in plans on your shared family calendar so that it moves from a good idea to a plan for fun! We have written an entire blog post about a summer list of fun! (Summer bucket list!) This is the time to be intentional.
  2. Plan for your Productivity: Ok, let’s be clear about my priorities. Ha! I do start with the planning of fun, because I know there is more time available in the summer, and I want to fit the fun in first! THEN, I plug in my projects. I am designing curriculum for a couple of new classes, and it’s going to take some time! Phew! Plus, I am cleaning out a couple closets and rooms. What projects do you want to conquer this summer? This is what I do know…sitting around looking at social media or aimlessly cleaning random things does not accomplish the things that will benefit my life or the life of my people, and often leaves me with regret. So I make a plan! Plan for fun and plan the work as well! I make a plan with my kids, and we work on 1 hour of school most days, do daily chores, piano practice and etc. THEN we pick out delightful things from our fun list. There are some activities that we obviously have to plan ahead, and some that we can just plug in to the afternoon. A little side note here…there are some projects on which I stall because I know they are undesirable, on these, I set a timer for myself, and have some fun coming up the next day to give me the fortitude to get through the messy! Ha ha, now you see my weakness! I can take the vitamins, but I want to know the treat is coming.
  3. Be Flexible too! If an amazing opportunity comes up for fun and you had scheduled to clean your messy storage closet that day. Jump on the fun, but before you leave, make a plan to get the work done too! Do you have time on Thursday? Ok that’s the day for the cleaning then! Don’t be so rigid that when opportunity comes your way that you can’t enjoy the wiggle room that summer and late nights give you with your people. This is the time to make memories.
Summer Fun with Cousins

In summary: Make a plan of fun, make a plan of work and then be flexible enough to change! Hooray for spontaneity.

I don’t know about you, but I have some planning to do! Have a great summer, we will keep sharing the tips, ideas and tricks that work for us, so see you here in between your mighty fun!

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