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Need a Place to Put all of Those School Papers? Make a Hanging File School Box for Your Kids!

Throughout the school year my children bring home papers of work that they have done. Completed tests, art, busy work–you know what I’m talking about. I do not like keeping all of this paperwork, but often when my kids first bring these things home, they feel pretty attached to them. They remember the time they spent on it and how hard they worked, so I have them put it in a file box that we have in our office.

Every couple of months I go through these papers and sort them out. My kids each have their own hanging file box with files inside that are labeled, “birth,” then “preschool” all the way through “12th grade.” We just got our boxes at an office supply store–you don’t need anything fancy, unless you do, in which case I support you in your endeavors!

In the back there is a file for special awards, or goals accomplished. There are blank files that I keep in there for anything they want to keep that doesn’t necessarily have a label yet. We include invites they’ve given out for their own baptisms, or special notes from teachers as well. Anything they have received during the school year that they want to remember. Pictures from field trips and ribbons earned from various sports and activities in which they’ve participated. Programs from recitals and concerts in which they’ve played. These boxes have become a treasure for my kids and a great place for me to put their special things so I don’t find them strewn throughout the house. My kids will occasionally ask to look at their box, and they know that they can only take out one thing at a time and put everything back where they found it. It is the end of the school year and my office filing shelf is overflowing with papers. It is time to get started sorting the papers from the year. If there is anything that they really like, but is too large to keep, or they’re not sure how to hold on to it, I take a picture and then print them and stick them in the file.

By waiting a little bit before putting the papers in the box, I give my kids the opportunity to have some time away from the work that they may otherwise feel sad to throw away. I also give them the opportunity to consider if it’s something they want to keep long term.

By the time they leave the house, instead of going through years of paperwork, they will have box filled with memories from their school years they can choose to keep and share with their children, or throw out, or whatever!!

This system has worked well for us and has given my kids the the chance to truly consider what is worth keeping and what is ok to say “good-bye” to, or what we can simply take a picture of to enjoy for later reminiscing.

While my house is not perfectly organized, I am grateful for a no fuss way to save keepsakes for my people!

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