Fundamentals Happy Home Culture Just an Idea Memory Makers Party Fun Tradition

It’s the Week Before School Starts, Here are Some of Our Favorite Traditions!!

Stores are all abuzz with back to school excitement! From Kindies to college students everyone is preparing for the school year ahead! Every year I totally mourn the end of summer! Don’t get me wrong, I love a schedule and order in my day, but there is just something about packing up all my kids and taking them to the pool, zoo, or California that I love! I relish the times that I have them all to myself…except for the times that I don’t because they keep bugging each other, or repeatedly say, “Moo–ooom!!!!!!” Ok, I guess I’m feeling it, bring on the school year!! Ha!

But before it starts, we do our best to squeeze every last drop of summer that we can muster the last week or so! Here’s a list of some of our favorite traditions–both ours and traditions of people that we love!!

  1. Camping at your own house! Set up a tent or a fort in your backyard, basement, or bedroom even! Allow all the kids to sleep in the same room and talk about your favorite parts of summer! Roast s’mores if you can have a fire, or use the microwave in a pinch! Take pictures and remember that you are all starting the school year as a family and will be there for each other!
  2. Spend some time making a vision board for the school year, and the following summer! I have shared this idea before, but it bears repeating. Writing goals down is the thing that helps us achieve them! Gather up magazines or gather around the computer and print off pictures that pertain to the goals that you have in mind. Make a poster, display it together or in your own bedroom. Then set some goals or hopes for next summer! We all need something to look forward to, sometimes seeing what is coming up in the next summer helps us focus and work hard in the school year knowing that fun is coming around the corner!! Setting a goal or hope for a year from now is a good way to teach our kids (and remind ourselves) that what we do now effects the future as well!
  3. The day before school lake or pool trip!! Grab some friends and head out to boat, paddleboard or swim!! Go to school the next day with a fresh tan–or sunburn, regardless it will be evidence of a good time!!
  1. Host a Neighborhood Back-to-school Ice Cream party!! Every year around this time my brother hosts an ice cream party for his neighborhood! He sets a date and time and announces it on their neighborhood’s Facebook page. He orders big tubs of ice cream, gets a bunch of ice and sits them in coolers. He sets up a couple serving tables in his garage and scoops ice cream for his neighbors as they all congregate outside and enjoy hanging out with some cold refreshments! What better way to end summer than to throw a party…that all stays outside! Each year he shares pictures from this fun get together and I just love it!!!

One last fun idea is to have a funeral for summer. I have a handful of friends that do this, wearing black even to symbolize their mourning! They eat funeral potatoes and rolls for dinner, then gather around to share their favorite things about summer and wish it farewell.

Regardless of how you choose to send off this beautiful season, I hope you make it memorable! I hope my kids remember that we celebrated the changes in season and there is always something to look forward to even when homework is in their near future! Cheers to summer!!

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