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What can you Accomplish in 12 Minutes a Day?

A lot apparently! Four months ago, I downloaded an app to my phone, to brush up my Spanish skills and also to learn French. I use the app for around 5-20 minutes each day. I think it’s safe to say I may average around 12 minutes a day.

Now, four months down the road, I can happily recommend this method. These baby steps toward a goal yield results! My conversational and written Spanish is in a much better state, and I feel confident again with this language! One of the sayings on the app that appears on the screen while the lesson loads is: “You can learn a language in just a few minutes a day, what will that time on social media give you?”

This weekend, we were watching a movie together as a family, and a phrase of French was on a piece of paper in the scene. My kids turned to me and said “What does that say mom?” Well, I immediately said “Oh, I have no idea!” because I assumed I did not know! I have only dabbled in French for a few months, but then I looked at the phrase and happily realized I knew exactly what it said! I did indeed know those words, and translated the phrase for my family. What a delight for me to discover that my small consistent investment of time, was working! 12 minutes a day divided between Spanish and French was slowly progressing toward language comprehension. Imagine what 30 minutes a day could yield.

Years ago, I started a fitness journey after my youngest child was born. I worked out 6 days a week and ate clean, whole foods for those same 6 days. The plan I followed had one rest day from exercise and one free day in which you could moderately have your favorite foods. Guess what? I became fitter! I lost excess weight and began lifting weights making me stronger. I also liked the way my clothes fit. People just feel better in a healthy state!

A friend of mine came to town about 6 months into my fitness journey and asked if I would go on a run with her. I thought to myself, I don’t really run, but she told me she only does a couple miles, so out we went. Three miles later my friend was tired and ready to be done, but I was feeling great! A fantastic side benefit from the exercise and the nourishing foods I was eating was that my body was well equipped to run, as well as swim, hike, dance, and so many fun things. Although, I was doing many of these things before, now I just did them with more energy and joy.

One more example! I have taught all of my kids to play the piano, but by 6th grade my children’s piano skills eclipsed my own. I was actually thrilled with this, because I wanted my kids to advance. However, a couple years ago, I made a goal for myself to practice the piano 20 minutes a day for 5 days of the week. Guess what? I got better.

Small and simple goals work…if you do them! You can accomplish anything you are willing to work toward!

What was the hardest thing about all these baby step goals? Just doing it! I had to include it on my list of things to do everyday, and that list seemed pretty long already. I turned down delicious foods while everyone else celebrated and ate. I painfully sight read songs on the piano, while my fingers reluctantly found the chords. I now delay going to bed sometimes because I suddenly realize I have not studied French yet that day.

What little things would you like to accomplish? Actually what big thing would you like to conquer a little bit at a time? You got this! You CAN do this!

At the beginning of every year, we talk about goals as a family. I hand out a two week calendar to get all of us started on our new baby step goals. The one goal I require of everyone is to write down three things everyday for which they are grateful, because I know you gotta get your mind right first. Happiness and balance are often a mindset! We decided last night, that I have been handing out these calendars every January for at least five years! If when my children are grown and move on from our home with the habit of counting at least three blessing every day, I will consider it a victory!

What thing can you accomplish in just 12 minutes a day? The time is going to pass anyway.

If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, may I recommend adding kindness to the list. Perhaps your daily kindness will manifest in kind words to your family, neighbors, coworkers and etc. Perhaps your kindness will be shown in your ability to not react to provocation. All of our small consistent efforts will build over time and it sure seems that we could all use a little more kindness.

To quote one of my favorite read aloud books and a common graduation gift, I leave you with these wise words from Dr. Suess. in “Oh the Places you’ll Go”

be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O’Shea,
you’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
get on your way!

Alright fellow humans! We’ve got this! What are we waiting for? Now is the time to seize our dreams, goals and aspirations. You have amazing attributes just waiting to be expanded. The time will pass anyway. What will you do with your 12 minutes today?

If you would like a little more motivation, check out this or this. 🙂

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