Fundamentals Happy Home Culture Just an Idea

Looking out for the Mormon Missionaries!

Have you ever seen those young men with suits and name tags? There are also young women! Often they are on bikes diligently wearing safety helmets, or walking and smiling at everyone. You may see them working in someone’s yard, or helping out at a community event. They are clean cut, young and willing to talk to everyone. Who are these people?

This last week my 18 year old son received a mission call from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (We are often nicknamed Mormons) He was anticipating it! He had gone to the dentist and doctor to make sure he was healthy and able to fully participate. He turned in his immunization record and filled out the paperwork to apply for assignment. He met with ecclesiastical leaders who interviewed him assessing if he was willing to live by the strict rules of a mission. We were anticipating the call to come within a couple weeks, and it did. Where would he be assigned?

A crowd of friends and family gathered into our home, where my son read the letter out loud speaking of his opportunity to share a message of Christ and announcing his assignment to the Rome, Italy mission speaking in Italian. There were cheers and joy! We have a special connection to Italy. My great grandfather lived in Italy before he immigrated to the United States. When we study our family line, there is a strong branch of ancestors who lived in Lucca, Italy. How amazing that my son gets to travel there and serve the Italian people.

Kyden will receive training for language, culture and how to teach about Christ. He has been preparing for this for many years. The choice to serve was his and he will also pay the monthly expenses for living. Why do young people in their prime moments of energy and enthusiasm put aside their own education, sports, and activities to go share this message? Maybe the reasons will be a little bit different for each person, but let me tell you my reasons, why I served a mission so many years ago.

I love to share the best ideas (wow check out this blog!) In my young life I came to know for myself that living God’s commandments filled me with light and joy. I wanted everyone to feel this and to come to know God their Father! I knew how much God had lead me, taught me and helped me in my life, and I wanted everyone who was willing to experience this beautiful heavenly help! My older sister had served a mission in Georgia and she radiated goodness and I knew I wanted to serve too! I was called to Santiago, Chile and my younger sister, Kayleen was assigned to Montevideo, Uruguay. Now you know how we both speak fluent Spanish! 😉

So if you ever encounter a missionary on your street, don’t be afraid! They are actually someone’s child, far from home, dedicated to Christ and sharing the good word. They have a message of love, hope and redemption that just might change your life. However, if you don’t want religion, they are another good human on this planet just like you, wanting to make the world a little better. Smile and wave and maybe offer them a glass of water. This mom thanks you for your goodness. I will also be looking out for your kids too!

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