Share love by leaving love notes on a door
Happy Home Culture Just an Idea Memory Makers Small and Mighty Ideas Tradition

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…

Have you ever really thought about it? I mean, sat down to consider all the ways and reasons that you love your people? I mean, actually listed them? I have. Well, sort of. 

Starting on February 1 I began cutting out hearts and writing a love note to each of my kids–I have 6, so that was no small feat. My husband walked in on me writing on those hearts and I suddenly realized I should include him too. And wouldn’t you know, he started cutting out hearts for me! You see? Love totally begets love!

Now before you think I’m amazing, please know that this is something that I read somewhere on the internet. That illusive nondescript citation. I’m sure it was on some sort of social media, but it caused me to make a note for myself in my calendar on January 31 to put up a heart starting that night.
I definitely had a moment or 2 where I thought, “Am I really going to do this every night?” I was a bit nervous about the length of time it would be. Seriously. I would have to get up and find scissors, tape, construction paper–all highly valuable things when you live in a home with 6 kids 11 years of age and under. However, I stared in the face of commitment and persevered! You may laugh at me, feel free, but when night time finds my kids in bed, and I finally have some quiet time, I relish it! 

I am here to tell you, though, it has been a really good thing. Like a REALLY good thing!  And not just because I have seen my kids light up as they read their hearts, or the sweet notes I have found from my daughters who have hidden their own hearts around the house. But, every night I have stopped to think about my kids individually. Like, REALLY think about them and consider what I love about them and what I hope they love about themselves. Or what attributes I have glimpsed in them and hope that they decide to further develop. Or even what characteristics I want them to identify with because they know that their mom thinks that about them. I am all for subliminal messages. Give my kids all the positivity they can get!!
I will tell you that the first heart was the easiest to write. It is not hard to say 1 great thing about somebody. Especially somebody that you love! Heck, hearts 2 and 3 were easy as well. Around heart 6 and 7 I started to wonder what more I could say, not because there wasn’t more to love, but because I think we just generally have 4 or 5 things (or less) that we think of when we think of admirable attributes associated with other people. 

I asked my husband for some ideas. He almost always said things I had already mentioned…because they were the first things we think of when we think of our kids individually. So then I’d think of an instance in which I appreciated them and I would smile and get to writing. 

I am telling you, this exercise, although I’ve been slow to get it done on occasion. Always leaves me smiling!
I find that my heart swells as I picture my children seeing themselves through my eyes. The world can be such a harsh place sometimes, anything I can do to foster a safe-haven for them, I am all about it.
My 1 year old in particular has enjoyed the hearts. 

The heart breaker!

My 9 year old daughter calls him a “literal heart-breaker” as he tore down some of the hearts that I failed to tape up higher…I have since remedied that.
It has been sweet to read the hearts from my husband as I get to see what he appreciates about me now, as every relationship grows and changes. 
Overall, as I wrote my hearts tonight and considered that tomorrow is the 14th I felt a pang of sadness. You know the one, that sadness that comes when a good thing is ending. Like Christmas. But just like Christmas is so special because it comes once a year, I know I can’t overdo it as its novelty will wear off eventually.

Notice the little hand drawn heart from my daughter? Everyone loves to be appreciated!

I plan to take a picture of each kids’ group of hearts, print them off and stick them in their journals. I’ll have them keep 1 or 2 of their favorites to stick in there too.
We have definitely found a new family tradition. One that can be used for a kids’ birthday month, or graduation month, or week or day or whatever. 
What began as an opportunity to make my kids feel loved definitely ended in my love for them growing and my hope for their ability to love others to increase!
It’s not too late! You can start writing your own hearts tonight!! Shower your people with love this February with this great idea and watch the faces of your people explode with happy!!

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  1. Kristy says:

    me too ! It was fun for my people, I think everyone needs some appreciation!

  2. says:

    This is my new favorite idea! Seriously! It has worked wonders this week!

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