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It’s Ok to Laugh at Your Kids, I Promise!

Ok, give me a minute to explain! A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday I asked my kids if they wanted to drive up to a pretty park and see if we could check out the bison that are up there on a farm. (Is that even right?? Are there such things as bison farms? Well, there is a herd of bison that is owned by someone and lives in a particular area…we’re calling it a farm).

We’ve lived in Colorado for the past 14 years and have enjoyed visiting these bison off and on throughout that time. Recently, however, meaning in the last couple of years, it’s been trickier to see them. We just must not have been on the same schedule. So, I wondered if maybe they had gone, or the owner sold them or moved or whatever you do with a herd of bison when you have gotten out of the business of owning them. Seems like a really specific niche to me. Anyway, getting back to it. I asked my kids if they wanted to go check out the bison and everyone did, except my oldest. He just wanted to stay home and read. Granted, on any given day he’d rather stay home and read, so this day didn’t feel any different. So, I told him we were all going as a family and that it wasn’t that long of a drive. He said, “The bison aren’t going to be there anyway. Why are we even going, they’re never there anymore.” I did pause when he said this and wondered if they wouldn’t be there, but had everyone get in the car regardless so we could enjoy some pretty fall colors too.

In the car, he brings the book. Turns out you can read in a car too, who knew!?! As we get closer to the park I start to get nervous and just really want the bison to be there…like it is now a contest, I want to be right, mostly because he was SO certain that he was right. As we begin to turn toward the park, I see that…drumroll please, the bison are there….VICTORY!!!! I look back at my oldest who is lost in his book and ask, “What happens if they’re there?” To which he replies without looking up, “They won’t be.” Insert maniacal laughter here. Ok, that didn’t happen, but I did tell him to look out his window….and there was a quick moment of realization and almost a smile on his face as he became aware that he was mistaken.

Now, I did have a moment of just wanting to rub his nose in it, but mostly wanted this to end well! I wanted him to see that taking the chance and hanging out with the family was the right choice, and my incessant teasing him wouldn’t have helped deliver that message.

Instead, I quickly said, “Now is the perfect time to laugh about it! Seriously, there is nothing to be done now, but to say, ‘no way! I was sure they wouldn’t be there!'” He didn’t want to, definitely turned his head for a minute to shake it and I’m certain not let me see his smile.

We parked and got out to check out the bison. I stood back while I watched him enjoy looking at these really large, magnificent animals. I took pictures of everyone there and asked if I could take a selfie with my oldest with the bison in the background. He didn’t want to. I snapped one just joking around. He didn’t like it. He agreed to take one with me if I would delete the other one. I agreed. I took the picture. I am grateful that he is a good sport!

Now, the reason I share this story isn’t because things worked out in my favor (although they totally did! High Five!!!), but because it was a great opportunity to let my kids know to just own the fact that he had a bad attitude and he didn’t end up being justified in it. I mean, I hope that my kids can laugh at themselves when they make mistakes…because they will make mistakes!!! Just like I do!! I also do my best to laugh about it! If we all became angry every time something went awry, life would be miserable! So let’s help our kids choose laugher, in a tactful way, so that we can all move on together.

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