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Break Up With Your Phone, at Least For an Hour

My oldest is almost 15, and I can remember having a flip phone when he was a baby. I remember not wanting a smartphone for a long time, and then finally caving when it became more difficult to find a decent phone with a good camera that was not a smartphone. Once I did, it was tricky not to constantly check it out. So fun, a little screen in my own hand to look at and connect with people…too much I’m sure. I remember coming home from a mission that I served for my church at the end of 2005 and being shocked at all the phones, but mostly at all the talk of Facebook and social media really being a thing, whereas it wasn’t really around before I left.

Now all (really, most) of us have phones and it is common place to sit and keep ourselves occupied with our phones while waiting for an appointment, or outside at the park, or in a class even. What on earth did we do before phones!?! Read a book? Talk to the people around us? Let our thoughts wander? Absolutely, and we could all use a little more of that!

I have begun to designate a time in which I do not engage with my phone. Often on Sundays I will put my phone down and walk away to play games with my kids, or go for a walk. Certain days of the week are just not practical to not have a phone, I get it. However, right now, while my kids see me and want to interact with me, I hope that I can show them a life that represents balance between consumption and production. I do not want to always be consuming whatever is on social media. I hope to create beautiful memories, which can, of course, include laughing at memes with my kids on my phone, or tik tok videos (full disclosure, I don’t have a tik tok account, ha!). In no way am I saying all social media is bad, just that we could all use a little more time outside, or getting lost in a book. I have been listening to books more when I’m waiting for my kids at pick up, it has been good to immerse myself in books for me again! My kids will often come in the car and get lost in the book with me, so fun! My kids have also been baking more, which has been great!

If you find yourself needing to reconnect with those around you a little more deeply, try putting the phone out of sight for an hour or more and see where the time takes you!

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