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Simple Gingerbread Houses for the Holidays! Caramel Sugar Glue!

Hello cute friends! It’s the most wonderful time of the year and the busiest, craziest time too! Here’s one tiny idea to keep all the traditions flowing, but with a bit of simplicity! Sugar Glue!

Have you made graham cracker houses with your little people before? Well sugar glue allows you to make the little houses ahead of time, and let the decorating be the focus and not the frustration of keeping the pieces together! This works wonderfully for a variety of situations: creating graham cracker structures for preschoolers, a group date idea for teens, all the way up to a family gingerbread party!

Sugar Glue/Caramel for Assembling Gingerbread Houses

Sugar melted down to caramel
Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 6 minutes


  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar


Place medium sized pan on burner, turn on the heat to medium low. Sugar can burn easily, so it’s better to stick with heat between medium and low.  
Add 1 cup of sugar (you can do more if you have a BIG gingerbread houses) Sugar will start to melt. Stir occasionally for the first two minutes, then stir consistently, to prevent the sugar from burning.
It will take about 4-5 minutes for the sugar to melt completely and turn a caramel color. CAREFUL HERE– When the sugar is mostly melted and has started to turn in color, turn down the heat! Sugar can burn quickly and having burnt sugar, while it can still be glue, it is dark brown in color and not nearly as charming. 
When your sugar liquid is caramel in color and melted, take it off the heat! Then get to work assembling those graham cracker houses. The sugar sets up pretty fast, which is why it is amazing glue. It is best to have older kids, mostly teens and adults assemble using the sugar glue, because it is hot!
When the sugar becomes too solid to work with, gently melt it down again over low heat! We have remelted our sugar several times in an evening! You can actually build fairly complex structures with graham crackers and this sugar glue! 
Now that you have your little houses or ships built or whatever your imagination allows, share the joy with your littles! Let them decorate with frosting and candies!  
Happy Creating! 

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  1. Danielle Windfuhr says:

    Hi Kim… when I tried something like this the sugar kept caramalizing even when taken off heat and in a different bowl. I did use sugar and water so not sure if that somehow gets the empty too high? Cannot figure out how you would remelt the sugar and not have it burn

    1. says:

      Danielle, It definitely goes pretty quick! There is just a small window in which the sugar is fast glue. We were able to remelt our sugar 2 or 3 times before it was not longer useable. I hope this helps!

    2. says:

      Hi Danielle!
      I think the key is medium low heat. We were able to reheat it several times. However, you have to work fast! I hope this helps! Sorry for the delay!

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