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A Fresh take on Mother’s Day: 5 Meaningful gifts to ask for for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up and it just so happens that my birthday is in April, so Mother’s Day feels really close to it. By the time Mother’s Day comes around I don’t know what to ask for. I do my best to ask for things that my kids will be excited to give me, like my favorite candy (gummies: gummy worms, gummy bears, any gummies) or sweet treat (give me all the chocolate covered berries!!!) But sometimes I just don’t know what to ask for. So, I’ve spoken with many a mom through the years looking for more meaningful gifts to ask for, both so that I feel happy as the recipient and so that my kids understand the importance of putting some thought into gift-giving. These are some of my favorite ideas!!!

  1. A hand-written page from each of my kids. This can be a fun memory that they have with me from the previous year, or just a note of appreciation. You (or ideally another trusted adult) can have them write it in a journal you keep just for this occasion, or include them in a binder that you keep. This will serve as a special keepsake for you!!! See also: Love note Journals
  • Handmade cards and letters are always a favorite!! My daughter made this card for me and included a picture of me with each of my kids! I absolutely LOVE it!! When I opened it my heart was immediately full of gratitude of these special kids that I get to be with during their formative years! What a blessing!!
  • Flowers!! Handpicked or store bought are great, but really, having one of your people plant some flowers in your yard is a beautiful act of service that just keeps giving!!!
  • Request experiences not things. I have received many a candle in a scent that I do not love. They have never been burned and are most often donated. Asking for an experience will eliminate collecting little nick knacks that many do not have the physical or the headspace for. (If you love the experience idea, check this out!) Some ideas for experiences include:

Manicure or pedicure

Massage or reflexology

Dinner date to a favorite restaurant

A pass to the museum/zoo/or anywhere you enjoy frequenting!

Tickets to a concert

Tickets to a play

iFly indoor skydiving

Also, experiences do not have to cost money! You can get a coupon for a picnic at the park, birdwatching, star gazing (check out the Sky Map or SkyView app), hiking!! Encourage your kids to be creative and fun!!

  • Homemade Coupons!!! These can be very handy if you remember to use them!!! 😉 Coupons for a carwash, and extra dishwashing that week by one of the kids, cleaning the kitchen one night without help, my kids have actually given me coupons for “no whining” when asked to play the piano or clean their room. Those.are.awesome!!!

In the end, if you need a new pair of sunglasses, or there’s a new book that you’d love to read, then that is great, totally ask for that!! But if you find that you just can’t think of what you need or want, try one of these ideas. It is important that our kids learn to give to us and that we learn to accept those gifts graciously.

May we remember the true gift that it is to be mothers and have these special people in our lives, and may we remember to include those that may not have the same experience!!

Good luck and Happy Mother’s Day!!

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