Hormones and Hair Growth and Puberty, Oh My!!!

The school year is quickly heading toward its close and I have a 5th grader. If you don’t know what that means, then let me tell you, the puberty and sex talks are a-coming! I have shared about how we introduce the the idea of sex and procreation with pumpkins. I have also shared about …

Little Handprints to Make a Memorable Keepsake Perfect for Special Occasions!

I like to find the perfect gift! However, I think I’ve only hit the target a rare few times in my life. 🙂 These handprint cards hit the target in many ways! Not only is it a little bit of sweetness, it also is a fun keepsake! These darling cards will be the perfect choice …

The Joy of Teaching our Kids About Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. I have always felt fascinated with why this day is labeled “good.” It is, after all, commemorating the day Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. When I was growing up I feel like there wasn’t a lot of emphasis on Good Friday in my faith tradition. I’d hear my friends …

5 Things My Kids Look Forward To For General Conference

General Conference is upon us, and that means our church listens to a broadcast in which we are enriched and uplifted by the word of God!! It’s a great weekend…and can also feel long for the littles!! So we do our best to make it special for our kids! Here are 5 ways that we …

Stay Close to the Garden: A Thoughtful Consideration

A man admired his neighbor’s beautiful garden. It was so lush and incredibly fruitful. Obviously the gardener was an expert and had put in hundreds of hours of work! He asked her one day what she would recommend to a novice gardener to encourage success. She looked at him and straightforwardly answered: “Stay close to …

Break Up With Your Phone, at Least For an Hour

My oldest is almost 15, and I can remember having a flip phone when he was a baby. I remember not wanting a smartphone for a long time, and then finally caving when it became more difficult to find a decent phone with a good camera that was not a smartphone. Once I did, it …

Valuable life lessons are learned from siblings!

Why Your Siblings Bully You and Why That’s Okay

This post is Guest Authored by Taliana Wilson Mom promised you the last piece of the bundt cake in the fridge. You wisely put a sticky note on the top of the container with your name written in big, black letters. The next day, you excitedly open the fridge in search of your delicious red …

Triple Chocolate Spring Flowers! Your New Favorite Party Recipe!

We LOVE a good dessert around here! This dessert has so many terrific things going for it! It has all the deliciousness that many layers of chocolate can bring! It looks fancy, but is simple enough that your kids can help you with it! Plus it makes a nice addition to your party table, or …

Fitting in Time for Friendship & Joy! A Happy Life Priority!

What do you have to look forward to this year? I love the anticipation of something fun! I can wade through a mountain of laundry, weedy yard work, crabby people and challenges, when I have a happy trip or activity planned! The anticipation of fun can be joyful in itself! Truthfully, I do enjoy my …