Small Interactions With Big Impacts: Our Role in the Village

One day at the grocery store as I stood in line watching the cashier ring up my food, the bagger–an older gentlemen looked at my 10 year old daughter and asked, “What’s the most interesting thing you learned in school today?” After initially being caught off-guard she then thoughtfully began to answer, mentioning some things …

Teaching Our Kids Kindness in a Practical Way

When my oldest was younger a friend recommended a book that had a big impact on the way I’d remind my kids to be kind. It’s called “Have you Filled a Bucket Today?” The premise of the book is that we all have buckets. When we do something kind for someone else, it helps fill …

Determination & Grit Trump Talent: Reaching for that New Skill!

When I was a soccer coach for 11 year old girls, often the ball would be propelled forward while in play and I would shout out: “Who wants that ball?” With definite emphasis on the want! Invariably there would be a surge of a few girls running faster to have a chance with the soccer …

Need Some New Ideas for Service? Try Service Bingo!

When was the last time you played Bingo!?! Yeah, I didn’t remember either! HA! At church this past week we made Bingo sheets and passed them out for everyone to try and serve other people a little more. It has been AWESOME!! My kids have been excitedly checking out what acts of service they want …

Striving for Balance: 3 Surprising Elements you Need!

I may start out a little unconventionally. If you are here, I will assume you already know the basic human needs: Air, water, food, shelter, sleep, and ideally human connection and etc. I hope you are getting these. It is hard to focus on anything else, if these pillars of stability in our life are …

The 5 Minute Way to Improve Your Kid’s Self-Esteem!

Did you know that sharing family stories with your kids helps them build confidence and develop a stronger sense of self? When kids hear stories from their parents and grandparents about difficulties they’ve faced and have overcome, it reinforces their sense of determination and confidence. They are better able to conquer their own challenges! How …

Want a different after school snack? Monkey Bread!!

If you haven’t yet tried out this roll recipe, you really need to! It is delicious and crazy simple! I make them about once a week. I often triple this recipe so that I can share some with a neighbor or friend that needs some home baked bread in their life–I mean, really, don’t we …

Discovering Your Children’s Talents & Helping Them to be Confident!

Having five children has been illuminating for talent discovery. Each child is beautifully unique and brings their own quirky personalities to the table. This is true in your family too right? Mix those personalities with the aptitudes and certainly limitations of the parents and before you know it, talents begin to blossom. Both my husband …